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Thinking Activity on Derrida and Deconstruction.

Hello Readers,
Given blog is part of my academic activity, here I presented my views on the Term "DECONSTRUCTION", by Jacques Derrida.I also tried to deconstruct one advertisement by appling the method of Deconstruction.

Q-1=What do you understand by 'Deconstruction'? (Remember: if you think you understand Deconstruction, you don't. :)).

To define the term what is deconstruction is really hard, because Derrida himself refuses to define the term 'Deconstruction' by saying that All other terms we use in philosophy or literary criticism even deconstruction can not be once and finally define, students and scholars often want something clear cut in define so Derrida becomes very difficult philosopher to read and the term Deconstruction become very difficult to define.

First of all, Deconstruction is not exactly a negative term is doesn't mean anything about destructive activity or breaking down anything.Derrida is inquiring in to the condition or what causes philosophical system or meaning to stand up on its own and fall down.He is inquiring into the foundation, and finally he says that- "Deconstruction is not destructive activity but an Inquire into the foundations, causes of intellectual system.



Derrida trying to prove that one word lead us to another word rather than towards the meaning of the word. We never arrive at centre of meaning, we move away from it. So speaker reminded us about Saussurian idea that- Sign is equal to signify which is signifies something, but Derridean Sign is free play of signifiers, signifying nothing. We just assume that we understand the thing but actually it never happens . Derrida says that meaning is always postponed. Derrida emphasis that the ultimate and final meaning is Myth; so we can never ever reach to the final meaning.It is called play of meaning.


Metaphysics of Presence is discussed in terms of binary opposition inherent in language and thus in philosophy.Binary opposition (like Man - Woman; Light - Dark; White - Black, Good - Evil) differentiate the meaning of one from the other in terms of one 'lacking' something. So, Dark is the one that lacks Light; woman is something that lacks Manliness etc. the absence of something puts that things in inferior position in comparison to the one which have it - the presence of something.Thus, binary oppositions privileges one over the other.Derrida points out that these oppositions are not equal but hierarchic where the second term is considered either derivative or inferior to the first, the privileged one.

 Q-2=Read an ad or TV serial or Film or literary text as post-structuralist critic. Be brief, precise and to the point.

Some People Don't Need Hair to Look Beautiful; #BraveAndBeautiful.Dabar vatika's ad on Cancer suffered people is actually problamatic because if we read the text by textual subconscious;we oftenly found that the meanings are expressed which maybe directly contrary to the surface meaning. Dabar vatika tried to sale their productus by emotional blackmailing to pelple they tries to show that they are the people who help cancer effected people and by taking sympathy from public they wants to don their business.

Here they also tries to show that how the protagonist is a female character who survived after the attack of cancer but still she is mentally depressed; here question arises that why only female ? not male? is there any propoganda behind it ? because female have long hairs in compare to male and thus vatika's main area of target is female.The background music is also problematic and it suggest that people have some arbitraryness in their mind from very starting we created binary opposition like; women with long or short hair means beautiful but women without hair means uglyness? by telling that you are brave they conditioned that we already believes that she is weaker and that is the reason for constantly telling her that - "Tu Faulad hai...". 

So, the prominent concern of post-structuralist critics is to  'read the text against itself so as to expose what might be thought of as the 'textual subconscious', where meanings are expressed which may be directly contrary to the surface meaning.

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