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Activity of story writing- The little red riding hood


The little red riding hood

A little girl lives in a village - Calls her Little Red Riding Hood - Visits grandmother - Promises her mother not to talk with any strangers - Dark shadow approaches of a wolf - Conversation between wolf and Little Red Riding Hood - Wolf reaches grandma's home first - Eats her grandma - Little Red Riding Hood reaches grandma's home - Little Red Riding Hood recognises the wolf in grandma's attire - Cries for help - The woodsman knocks the wolf and carries it deep down in the forest.

  • From the above given outlines, write a story between 150 to 200 words.

Self made story: 

A long long ago, there was a village called Clayton. There are 50 Houses in that village. A little girl called Little Red Riding Hood lived there with her mother and father. There was also another town called Synciston near by forest. In Synciston an old beautiful lady lived her name was Rosalind Riding Hood, who was actually Grandmother of Little Red Riding Hood, so once upon a time Our little Red Riding Hood wants to visit her grannies house thus she asked her mom to let her go alone, because she knows that both villages are closer enough that she can go lonely without any elder but there was a problem, the problem is forest because there are thousands of creature living inside and if anyone loose their way they surely died, and there for Red Riding Hood's Mother Mrs. Hood concerned for her daughter. So, Mrs. Hood suggested her not to talk with any strangers on the way and Little Red Riding Hood Promised that she will not going to talk with anyone on the way of grannies house. Then our little Red Riding Hood started her journey with some food and water, after a hour passed she reaches at the middle part of forest where she find so many stranger voices around her ;she was frightened but remember her mother's words and started walking once again. Suddenly she heard one voice sounds like a gentle ; a dark shadow approaches, it was a wolf but little Red Riding Hood was clever girl, she started talking with that wolf. Wolf Fraudulently asked everything to her and poor girl revealed all truth in front of it. A wily wolf intriguer and reaches Grandma's home first and knock the door, changed it's voice, imitate just like little Red Riding Hood and thus grandma thinks that her little Red Riding Hood is outside, she opens door and wolf killed her and ate her. When little Red Riding Hood was reached there she comes to know that wolf was in Grandma's attire and thus she cried for help. Fortunately The woodman was passing through that house and he heard scrambled voice of child and rushed into the house; he knocked that wolf and carries it to the deep down in the forest. 

So by this story we get a moral that 
- "Be responsible, or you shall pay the toll."
-"Don't stray from path."

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