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"TECHNOLOGY" - this word is derived from the Greek word "technology",--techno--> an art, skill or craft and --loggia-->the study of something or branch of knowledge of a discipline.

Technology refers to the use of tools, machines, materials, techniques, and sources of power to make work easier and more productive and science is concerned with understanding how and why things happen, technology deals with making things happen. Development is closely related to technology. The stage of development the human being has arrived at could have been possible without the advancement in technology. The radical change and advancement in the economy, as we observe today, is the result of modern technology. Without technology, the world would not be what it is today.

Being a part of the 4.0 Industrial revolution if we look back, we realized that we have come so far with Technological advancement and revolutions; which have been making a great impact on human lives since the beginning. Starting from Axe and Fire to Gene-editing, from Spinning wheel or Watt steam engine to AI.

Human progress is usually a pretty gradual process, but at certain points in history, our development has fought, resulting in populations living more comfortable, and healthier, longer lives. By and large, these big leaps in progress are caused by new technology or innovation, like how the wheel got things rolling.  
Take the Industrial Revolution For thousands of years, life stayed the same. Everyone lived on or near the land that provides their food and water. Their clothes and tools are made within their community, and the average life expectancy was 35. Basic machinery was usually fuelled by limited power sources like water wheels wind Mills force power or people power. But in the late 1 700 and Industrial Revolution began in Great Britain, the invention of the spinning Jenny and water frame ignited the mechanization of the textile industry. The steam engine quickly followed, making it possible to work, farm, and live without proximity to waterways, textiles, clothing, and furniture could be cheaply mass-produced bringing up Labour and resources, which could be used to develop new transportation methods like themed boats and railroads. As these little goods and technologies spread around the world, populations increased in average income saw unprecedented growth, marking the first time in history where a standard of living improvement was widespread. Another exemplary pushed forward in another time, place in the industry was the Green Revolution. With rising populations came challenges.

In the mid 900, India was experiencing a massive food cracker. The country had recently gained independence and was facing political chaos and famine. Indian officials went on a desperate search for new crops and agricultural technology. India imported and lab-tested lab-made grain varieties and combined with newly implemented cultivation technologies like fertilizer and irrigation, one newcomer took home. It started producing 10 times the yield of the traditional right. We dubbed it miracle Rights. These innovations would go on to make India a world leader in rice production and save hundreds of millions of lives from starvation.

The world we live in today is built upon the rapid progress from periods of manufacturing and agricultural advancements. Like these, they've given the world electricity blueberries in wintertime planes, along with some unintended consequences, pollution, chemical contamination, and overcrowding.

Today, we know innovation has the power to drive development. And in a modern world, there's more potential than ever for emerging technology to make its mark. Many experts believe we are currently in the midst of a digital revolution in Sub-Saharan Africa. Specifically, innovations in technology have the potential to improve lives in a region lacking the traditional information and communication infrastructure have found elsewhere. When mobile phones arrived in Sub-Saharan Africa and the early two-thousands, for example, hundreds of millions of people were able to connect for the first time. But it's not just about texting and checking Facebook. Mobile banking has reduced the need for centralized banking and giving people access to Bank accounts. For the first time in Mali, Telemedicine is helping to make up for a lack of trained healthcare professionals and rural areas in Rwanda, people in need can request blood that is then delivered by drone. And throughout the region, business owners and farmers are using their phones to buy solar energy or trade crops. Already, digital innovations are making many people wealthier, healthier, and better educated. At the same time, population increases will create new strains and pressures that technology will have difficulty addressing. 

The costs and rewards are likely to be felt unevenly and negative effects that no one planned for could arise alongside. And today, as we see the rise of emerging technology like robotics and artificial intelligence, it is critical to remember that such repercussions have been true throughout history and will continue to be so of all future technological revolutions to come.



  "TECHNOLOGY" - this word is derived from the Greek word "technology",--techno--> an art, skill or craft and --loggi...