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Ds Committee "Memorabilia"


“You'll never change your life until you change something you do daily. The secret of your success is found in your daily routine.”
― John C. Maxwell
Department is an institution and like all other institutions in the world, it also needs to assemble and meet every day to carry out all of its functions; therefore here, in the department, a day starts with a bunch of activities, known as a “Daily schedule”. To make the day auspicious we start our daily schedule with the chanting of University song and then prayer. Then the next column is “thought of the day”, which not only make students aware of the great thoughts and ideas of the world but also teaches how to use it in life. One must know what is happening around oneself. It is very important for oneself to take necessary measures at the right time so here students came up with the idea of Newspaper reading. The habit of reading newspaper not only enhance our knowledge but also improves accuracy and fluency, it proves questioning which helps in generating ideas and inspires to think. It is a kind of exercise, which gives an insight into the world around.
Albert Einstein a famous thinker once said that a person who learns a word a day is smarter and wise than rest so therefore we have a column known as “Vocabulary drill”. It actually drills out the frozen minds of learners and helps them to learn new vocabulary with the examples from day to day life. The fifth column of DS is Poetry recitation in which student presents English poetry. Opinion building is the column through which all the leaders of various committees inform and notify students about upcoming events. It is also the column from where the songs of rules and regulations sung over time. Furthermore, Personal presentation is the column, which gives a platform to present personal views of the participant. Regional literature allows all the type of literature from all the languages. Here students cultivate a habit of reading books as well as watching movies and then they come up with reviews of it. The last columns are Humour of the day and the National song. After DS sir gives the review about the performance of the students, which encourages the confidence level of students.

#Benefits of participating in Ds
Participating in Ds helps to improve Academic as well as Non-academic knowledge in students. It helps to overcome stage fear and boost up confidence level. It stretches on LSRW skills and encourages community involvements. Therefore, learning happens everywhere, not just in the classroom.
 Daily schedule committee not only limited to department activity but also organize some charity events like A Blood Donation camp. It also arranges rational talks with an author like Bhupendrasinh Raol.
#Major works by committee
·        Blood donation camp
·        Gurupurnima special Ds
·        Christmas special Ds
·        Debate on LGBT Act 377
·        Debate on the judgment of Adultery Act 497
·        Debate on Pulwama
·        Women’s day special Ds
     Talk with An Author Bhupendrasinh Raol

The Daily schedule committee is very much thankful to all the members and to those students who helped a lot without being a part of the committee. Because to participate actively and to help in arranging the things is not everyone’s liking. Special thanks to Dr. Dilip Barad sir for encouraging and back support. Ds committee is also thankful to Heenaba Zala ma’am and Vaidehi Hariyani ma’am for guidance and support. 

1 comment:

Niyati Pathak said...

It was wonderful journey @Department with this wonderful platform where I explored my icontact,public speaking although can sing but don't know can't speak in English that much before 2 years .... But that's what I received now I can face many argumentative discussion.

I'm also thankful to both leaders #Kavitaba_Gohil &#Rinkal_Jani and pro. Dilip_Barad for time and again encouragement .......😊



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