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Mass Media

Hello Readers,

This blog is part of my classroom learning process; in which the teacher taught us about 'Mass Media and its importance' and gave a task to write something on our favorite Mass Media platform for communication; for further information click here...

# what is Mass Media? 

  • The mass media are a large number of the array of media which mainly designed to reach and commute with a large number of audience. Redio, Tv, magazine, newspapers etc are types of Mass media platform. generally, it is a diversified collection of Media techology. The term mass media was coined in 1920s during the advent of redio, newspapers and magazines, at that time the platforms of mass media were few but after the invention of internet mass media progressed revolutionary. nowadays it has thousands of platforms like Whatsapp, facebook, youtube, wikipedia etc.


Q-  Which is your favorite Mass media platform for communication? Why do you like it? What are its drawbacks?

As I mentioned above that there are thousands of platforms are available for communication all you need is reasonable internet data pack with 3G or 4G speed. There are few types of mass media like Broadcast media, outdoor media, print media, and digital media. In which Broadcast media refers to films, Tv, radio, recorded music etc. second is Outdoor Media which involves  AR advertising; billboards; blimps; flying billboards which are placed in and outside of buses, Mall, buildings etc. The third one is print media it transmits information via books, comics, newspaper, pamphlets etc. the last one is my favorite because it is digital media and it includes such a wonderful platform like Whatsapp, Facebook, youtube.

All these mass media platforms are very much familiar with today's generation, we all have used these platforms in the process of self-development. 

I mostly like these 3 platforms...
1] Whatsapp
2] Facebook
3] youtube 

visuals effects more to human minds and I am kinetic so love to use these platforms to enhance my knowledge. This platform provides information in such a way that it become easy to decode and understand thus I prefer these platforms.

There are some drawbacks too but as we used to say that each coin has two sides, in the same manner, this digital media has also two sides. Some people may satirically joke on the invention of the internet and the mobile phone because it was invented to save the time of human beings but as we can see around the world these platforms waste the huge number of time and thus it can be considered as its drawback. According to me, it depends on the person, people should be smart with technology because day by day technology is becoming smart and people are becoming dumb. Another thing which I found interesting is, the huge number of information is available on this kind of platforms but it is up to a person that how he/she can find authentic information out of it. 

Thank You.

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