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Reflective blog: Teaching of Prof. Balaji Ranganathan

 This Blog about the feedback on Guest lecturer Balaji Ranganathan sir who came from the Central University of Gujarat and he taught us about postcolonial studies. We had three days sessions from 14th September to 16th September 2018, on the postcolonial paper. His style was very unique, he was given us various examples, and through the examples, we all understand in a better way. We have another session on NET/SLET. In that lecture, he taught us a different formula to remember the history, criticism etc. Here I'm giving more information about the teachings of Prof. Ranganathan, from which we all are get influenced.

Four units
1. The Black skin White mask by Frantz Fanon
2. Orientalism by Edward Said
3. A Tempest by Aime Cesaire and
4. Imaginary Homeland by Salman Rushdie

Each of the units is clear in our minds because he has the fluency in the theory.

 First, he discussed BLACK SKIN WHITE MASK.  In which he tried to give well explanation of all eight chapters including the conclusion of Frantz Fanon. Meanwhile, we came to know about his historical knowledge. Furthermore, he talked about how white has fear of black, black craves to be white, a language of white and black, desire never sees color and etc.  Secondly he talked about ORIENTALISM. How western countries see middle east, how popular culture represents the middle east, history of Palestine, and etc. In short, we can say that they all present things by their preconceived notion.    After that, he explored his views on A TEMPEST and THE TEMPEST.  How A Tempest is different from The Tempest,  how Shakespeare's work helped in Postcolonial studies,  how Aime Cesaire's re-writing leads the attention of scholars and   Albert Camus Rebel with the character calls Caliban. Furthermore he talked about IMAGINARY HOMELANDS. In that he threw more light on diaspora,  ideas of nation and state, how people a like Rushdie has to suffer and much more.

There is desire-conflict going on in our mind. It is of three types

a) Approach Approach Conflict (++)
b) Approach Avoidance Conflict (+_)
c) Avoidance Avoidance conflict (__)

When you find that it is not possible to achieve your desire, then there is Avoidance Avoidance conflict, which goes just like parallel lines I I, never intersecting each other.
If there is a greater chance to achieve desirable and also the capability to achieve it, then there is Approach Approach conflict, just like perpendicular lines, intersecting each other at one point.
If we can achieve our desire, but still avoiding it, then there is Approach-Avoidance conflict.

In a similar way, the Idea of Homeland and Hostland is Avoidance approach conflict. We reach, we approach the land but we are avoiding it, not taking it as our own land.

Unique technique preparing for Competitive exams like NET /SET: Sir has also told the very appropriate way to prepare for NET/SET exams.

●collect the Database of 5000 Questions

● slove all the questions and find your level

●Found the pattern: Things you know/don't know.

● Start feeling gaps.

● Found strong/weak areas.

● start making a database which you don't have / which you not good.

Sir has told us to get out from M.A. formation and look at this exam as competitive exams. So the most important thing is to look at these exams as competitive exams. In this exams 3 things important: 1) Locate strength and weakness, 2) Probability, 3) Time Management

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