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Interaction with Dr. Javed Khan Sir

In our Department of English, we have three days guest lecture from 16 August to 18 August by Prof J.H. Khan. Lectures taken by him was very fruitful and knowledgeable for all of us. Sir talked on NET /SET and ELT. He is an ELT specialist. He has a deep knowledge about ELT.

  • Interactions In class

In his very first interaction on ELT (English Language Teaching), he talks about to know the difference of teaching English as native language and English as a foreign language. Both should have different needs and different ways to learn and teach. Then he talked about ELT for primary education and English for higher education. How the level of students differ at every level and how we still have methods of primary education level in the syllabus to learn.

In that ELT class, he taught us about what is ELT, how ELT if different in school level and higher education. He discussed ESP, EAP and other things. He also introduced us about other important words like Microcardial, morphology, cockney dialect etc. He gave the knowledge about language, inflexious, semiotics etc how used in ELT. He also mentioned about characteristic of knowledge era, what is assessments etc. His English language is perfect and speaking fluently. He has very good communication skill and he has one capability that he can make the class live. He loved to communicate with youth. He taught us all the things with fun and we had not felt boring. He also made a presentation about all the topic. He gave the information of Net/set examination, what material we should read, how one can prepare for it etc. Javed sir gave the information about assessment and evaluation. All the points of ELT  discussed by him, connected with each other. He said that in order to gain the knowledge you should seek it.

  • Key concept on ELT discussed in the class:

As above mentioned that the English language is widely using in the world, in every interdisciplinary like Commerce, science, Arts, Medical, Engineering etc. About the concept, sir talked about ELT and its various manifestation in which sir explained various purposes for teaching English as follow:

  • TENI - Teaching English as native Language.
  • EFL - English as a Foreign language.
  • ESP - English for a specific purpose.
  • Linguistic.
  • Semiotics.
  • Grammar.
  • ESL -  English as a second language.
  • EAP - English for academic purpose.
  • Phonetics
  • Graphology
  • Morphology
  • Etymology

From these points, sir gave us the concept about the function of the English language in various field. especially, English for specific purpose and English for academic purpose in which sir talked about the language that language is a social institution, it is a product of culture. So, through the language, we can understand the cultural dimension.

  • Notes Taken by me during Khan sir's class.

  •  Learning experience :

      It was a unique experience to attend his lectures. From the first day, he gave one motto which we should keep in mind forever. That be a seeker, don't demand.  According to him, one should be active in the class. A good student always possesses good confidence. He stressed on the reading. In this way, we get the basic essential idea about ELT in these three days of learning. It helps a lot in understanding the concept in a clear-cut way. With ease, all points get covered by Prof. Javed Khan sir about ELT.

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