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     #  BRIEF SUMMARY :                

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  •      Raja Rao’s first novel Kanthapura (1938) is the story of a village in south India named Kanthapura. The novel is narrated in the form of a ‘sthalapurana’ by an old woman of the village, Achakka. Kanthapura is a traditional caste ridden Indian village which is away from all modern ways of living. Dominant castes like Brahmins are privileged to get the best region of the village whereas Sudras, Pariahs are marginalized. The village is believed to have protected by a local deity called Kenchamma. Though casteist,  the village has got a long nourished traditions of festivals in which all castes interact and the villagers are united.



  •     The main character of the novel Moorthy is a Brahmin.
  • The novel begins its course of action when Moorthy leaves for the city where he got familiar with Gandhian philosophy through pamphlets and other literatures . He followed Gandhiji  in letter and spirit. He wore home spun khaddar. Discarded foreign clothes and fought against untouchability. Moorthy bought some 'CHARKHA' ; gave those charkhas to untouchables and by that way Moorthy  economically helped untouchables .
  • Villagers always used to call him as a 'OUR MOORTHY'. Moorthy who has  gone through life"LIKE A NOBEL COW,QUIET,GENEROUS,DEFERENT ,BRAHMINIC, A VARY PRINCE. "
  • He is  considered to be honest like an elephant and is spoken of as "OUR GANDHI","THE SAINT OF OUR VILLAGE".  He is the" small mountain" while Gandhi',  is the"big mountain". Throughout,  he is shown as inspiring love and respect  and winning the confidence of the village folk.
  • It seems that the impact of Gandhi's personality has transformed him  from a common village lad,  into a young man capable of leadership,  and the self-secrifice and devotion which leadership entails.  Of course,  he has never come into personal contact with Gandhi,  Moorthy was in college when he felt the full force of Gandhi  and he walked out of it , a Gandhi man. In those days hundreds and thousands of young men throughout the country gave up their studies and courted arrest and he is one of them.  But the manner in which Moorthy walked out of the college is unique:  he is said to have had , not an actual,  first-hand experience of Gandhi by personal contact,  but  vision of Gandhi addressing a public meeting and he himself pushing his way through the crowd and joining the band of volunteers and receiving inspiration by a touch of Gandhi's hand.  And that very evening Moorthy went out alone and came back to college and walked out of it,  for good.



  • Moorthy strictly follows GANDHIAN IDEOLOGY he convinced people not to use foreign products; also suggested them to joining in disobedient movement. After inspiring from gandhiji he used to speak truth and take ought ; never follow violence. He cut-down all boundaries of cast and seat with pariahs and helped them to uplift their social & economical condition. This turned the village priest, a Brahmin, against him who complained to the swami who was a supporter of foreign government and Moorthy was ex-communicated. Narsamma mother of Moorthy passed away because it is Heartbroken to hear for her.
  • After the death of his mother, Moorthy started living with an educated widow Rangamma, who took part in India’s struggle for freedom. Moorthy was invited by Brahmin clerks at Skeffington coffee estate to create an awareness among the coolies of the estate. When Moorthy turned up, Bade Khan hit him and the pariah coolies stood with Moorthy.  Though he succeeded in following Gandhian non violence principle, the incident made him sad and unhappy.
  •  Meanwhile, Moorthy continued his fight against injustice and social inequality and became a staunchest ally of Gandhi. Taking the responsibility of the violent actions happened at the estate; Moorthy went on a three day long fasting and came out victorious and morally elated.Following the footsteps of Gandhi, a unit of the congress committee was formed in Kanthapura. Gowada, Rangamma, Rachanna and seenu were elected as the office bearers of the committee and they avowed to follow Gandhi’s teachings.
  • Fearing the greater mobility of people of Kanthapura under the leadership of Moorthy, the foreign government accused him of provoking people to inflict violence it and arrested him.


             We found that Moorthy hero of our kanthapura stay steadfast till the end.He faces many problems ; he was beaten by Bade khan although he  stucked  with Gandhian ideology and thus he considered as a Gandhi Man.

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