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Self-Help culture and Harry Potter

4)Self-Help culture and Harry Potter:


  •  "No divine, no dead ones, no loved ones comes to save us. It is we who save us". The Patronus of Doe is just an illusion of Harry. In fact, he has performed the spell to expel dementors.
Self-help culture is a type of propaganda which teaches us that nobody is responsible for the situation or problems which we face in our life, it is the only one who is responsible for all is yourself. If the good things happen to us then also and if bad happens then also we are the one who can save our self. 
  •  The Sorting Hat finds Harry talented, good mind, and thirsty to prove himself. However, Snape snaps at him - 'Fame isn't everything'. One needs to prove one's worth.
  • Dementors are curious creatures - they are non-forgiving and can't distinguish between good and evil or protected and hunted. They suck the soul and makes people energy-less to die helplessly. They are frightened by or overcome by powerful positive memory of something extremely good. Our pain, sorrow, anxiety becomes their power.
Here the above lines indicate about self-confidence and positivity from inside which can help.

  • Working hard is important. But there’s something that matters even more. Believing in yourself. (All wizards need to believe in themselves to make the spell work and that's true of all humans.)
  • Things we lose have a way of coming back to us (Self-help).
  • Always Question authority.
The SelfHelp culture of our days serves as a tool of social control: it soothes political unrest . . . one blames oneself for not getting better off is society and remains in one's own pursuit of self-invention, blaming oneself for the failure rather than the systems.
The Harry Potter saga approves of this cultural phenomenon of the late 20th century which continues in our days. It ends with some cliche positive attitude lessons.
"Help will always be given to those who ask for it"
This is rephrased: "Help will always be given to those who deserve it" - making it more politically correct for majoritarianism.

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