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Thinking Activity on Existantialism

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                       This blog is a part of Flipped Learning activity in which the task is to watch videos about Existentialism and write down whatever you understand. Here, is the link of the teacher's blog; click here.

What is Existentialism?

Existentialism. A difficult term to define and an odd movement. Odd because most thinkers whom the intellectual world categorizes as existentialists are people who deny they are that. And, two of the people whom nearly everyone points to as important to the movement, Soren Kierkegaard and Fredrich Nietzsche, are both too early in time to be in the group, thus are usually called "precursors," but studied and treated as members of the group. Major figures like Jean-Paul Sartre, Martin Heidegger, and Albert Camus all flatly deny they are in the movement, yet everyone says they are central.

Secondly, the term is very difficult, if not totally impossible to define. What is existentialism? I've been asked that a thousand times, have read most intro type books on the field, have spent much of my teaching life "doing" Existentialism, yet cannot give a coherent and relatively short definition. It's sort of a spirit or aura of how one responds to human existence, much easier to characterize in negative terms -- what Existentialism is NOT that philosophy generally is -- than in positive terms of a definition. (Webster)

The great thinker and writers such as- Kierkegaard, Nietzsche, Dostoyevsky, Kafka, Heideggar and many more different in their views but for all of them, philosophical thinking and existentialism begin with the subject namely the individual. It could be seen as a triangle with- Individuality, freedom, and passion as its three sides. Believing or not believing in God can only be possible when one thinks as an individual. They Focus on ideas that belief in God is Philosophical suicide. existentialist emphasis the subject of emotion, anguish, and despair.

 Life if full of absurdity. The uselessness of suffering and repetition of same is an absurd reasoning. Another thing is that there is a truly serious problem and that is Philosophical suicide. "An elegant suicide is an ultimate work of art." Albert Camus does not only believed suicide an art, but he said it an ultimate art. when we think about absurdity of life, you feel like a darker side of life.

In this video, Camus says that seeking what is true is not seeking what is desirable. The idea is the same as truth is always bitter. Seeking truth is not desirable. Instead, truth leads toward despair. And in the opposite of we seek desirable things, it does not lead towards truth.

Dadaism is connected with the nihilism. Dadism is the quest for change, is against any existance value and rules ns it association with nihilism. Creation is the primary goal of Dadaism and its merely an art movement. Dadaism is the socratics of the warriors. Offering dadaism as the way of becoming free of everything. It said that “I don't want the value that other people invited”.

Is existentialism a gloomy philosophy? 
Existentialism is a gloomy philosophy because it became famous after world war 2. Every life is full of adversity, anxiety, despair, absurdity. But we are free to choose our own way of living. once we chose the things then we are responsible for its consequences.

Existentialism counters the nothingness of existence by embracing existence itself.

 Friedrich Nietzsche gave the theory of "Ubermensch" it means man as a superman. He believed that "God is dead". When human beings start in believing that there is no God then they become free of doing anything they want or  desire; without harming others. Existentialism is not believed in those rules which imposed in us by various institutions but do whatever you want and make your own rules.

  Existentialism accepts human being as they are. existentialism allow living life in their own way. No rules catch you, but you can mack your own rules. As per Nietzsche's idea of ubermensch, his superman can do anything but the only thing should remember is do whatever you like but without harming others and do by your own ideology.

Essentialism means whatever they think on earth expect human all that thing have their own essence. Absurdity is the search for an answer in an answerless world. 

2] Video no.8 I like the most because it gives the idea of "Ubermensch". It means man can do anything he wants. also This video help to understand existentialism very simple and easy way.  

3] Flip learning is always beneficial for the learners because as we all know our mind can capture more data by visuals rather than only by listening and this platform gives us better understanding by the form of videos. Thank you all the resource persons for their great hard work thank you Barad sir for this activity.

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