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Interview of Shashi Tharoor

#In the interview of Shashi Tharoor I like these 3 ideas.

"The British came to one of the richest  countries in the world, accounting for 27% of global GDP in the 1700s and 23% in 1800s."
"Over 200 years of exploitation, depredation, loot, and destruction reduced it to a poster child for third-world poverty and just 3% of global GDP."

#Development of Railways:
 Nowadays Railways become most important part of India and all credit goes to Britishers but they never think about the benefits for Indian; they developed railways for their own selfish motives. britishers used to supply raw material to their own countries and therefore they constructed railways in only a few parts of India where they can get raw material easily.

#Exploitation : 
British always exploited Indian in every way. They taking goods from India. They took everything from India rather than spending money into the development of India. They always see their benefits first.  Mughals only spend Indian money into the development of India rather than taking it outside of India. Britisher had increased Export text and decrease import texts. So this way they taking raw materials from India and Indians have to pay high text and after that this raw material convert into things and import that material in India by paid lower text. So this way increased the text they exploit Indian. 

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