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Welcome: Dryden's Essay: Of Dramatic Poesy: Short Video Lectures and Quiz

Q.1]Do you find any difference between Aristotle's definition of Tragedy and Dryden's definition of Play?



Yes,I found huge differences between Aristotle's definition of play and Dryden's definition of poetry.Dryden deconstruct Aristotle's definition of tragedy.

#Definition of Tragedy: 
“Tragedy , then, is an imitation of an action that is serious, complete, and of a certain magnitude; in the language embellished with each kind of artistic ornament, the several kinds being found in separate parts of the play; in the form of action, not of narrative; though pity and fear effecting the proper purgation- catharsis of these and similar emotions.”

#Definition Of Play:
[1] Just and lively image of human nature,[2] representing its passions and humors, and the changes of fortune to which it is subject, [3]for the delight and instruction of mankind.Dryden breaks down definition of Aristotle into three part and gave definition of play.

Dryden used words like "IMAGE","just" and "lively".According to definition of play by Dryden : Drama is an "image' of "human nature", and the image is "just" and "lively".Dryden seems to imply the word "just" that literature imitates human action;the imitation is not only 'just'; it is also 'lively'.

According to Aristotle pity and fear are used in tragedy to purify the emotions of mankind. Whereas Dryden says that passions and humors are used to delight and instruct mankind.
Aristotle’s definition has ended with ‘catharsis’ while the definition of Dryden has ‘delight’.

Q.2]If you are supposed to give your personal predilection, would you be on the side of the Ancient or the Modern? Please give reasons.


This question is as hard as  - who comes first chicken or egg ? It is really hard to take side of any one , because 'Nobody is better in one or another way they are better in their own way'. Ancients established the three unities. ancients haven't any models before them but in the side of modern they are standing on the shoulders of Ancients . moderns are following classical and Neo-classicals. Both have their own limitations like in Ancient tragedians are separate from comedians whereas in Moderns same person can rome between tragedy and comedy also.Ancients were also did not follow their own views like three unities etc. 

So , we can not take side of any one but if I must have to choose any one then I will choose Moderns. Because they are more knowledgeable, more intellectual and more skillful than Ancients.  

Q-3) Do you think that the arguments presented in favour of the French plays and against English plays are appropriate? (Say for example, Death should not be performed as it is neither 'just' not 'lively' image, displaying duel fight with blunted swords, thousands of soldiers marching represented as five on stage, mingling of mirth and serious, multiple plots etc.)


No I don't think that the arguments presented in favour of the French plays and against English plays are appropriate. There is no harm in introducing ‘sub-plot’, for they impart variety, richness, and liveliness to the play. In this way writer can present a more ‘just’ and ‘lively’ picture than the French with their narrow and cramped plays.English playwright should present Death and Duel fights on stage because -'The audience knows that none of it is real, why should they think scenes of death or battles any less "real" than the rest?'

Q-4) What would be your preference so far as poetic or prosaic dialogues are concerned in the play? 


I think both the dialogues should present equally in the play. Rhymes make play more beautiful and lively whereas Prose are used in day to day life thus they can not give more pleasure;to find novelty poetic dialogues are best but conman people could not easily understand rhymes. but rhymes are given more aesthetic delight to readers. 
So in the play both dialogues should prefer in proper order to it.

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