Robinson Crusoe is the novel by DENIAL DEFOE ; First published on 25 April 1719.The book is presented as an AUTOBIOGRAPHY . who spends twenty-eight years on a remote tropical desert island near Trinidad, encountering cannibals, captives, and mutineers, before ultimately being rescued.It is generally seen as a contender for the first English novel.Before the end of 1719, the book had already run through four editions, and it has gone on to become one of the most widely published books in history.This book became as popular as BIBLE.
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DENIAL DEFOE is the writer of ROBINSON CRUSOE;Who was born in 1659-1660 , LONDON ;ENGLAND,and died on 24 April 1731.His occupations are as a writer, journalist and merchant.
*HIS Novels:
- Robinson Crusoe (1719)
- The Farther Adventures of Robinson Crusoe (1719)
- Serious reflections during the life and surprising adventures of Robinson Crusoe: with his Vision of the angelick world (1720)
- Memoirs of a Cavalier (1720)
- Captain Singleton (1720)
- A Journal of the Plague Year (1722)
- Colonel Jack (1722)
- Moll Flanders (1722)
- Roxana: The Fortunate Mistress (1724)
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1] Write about colonial discourse in Robinson Crusoe .
- The Process of colonies work like this :
1] colonizer 2] colonized
↘ ↙
3] colonization
In ROBINSON CRUSOE the process of colonization working through below topics:
Crusoe saved one native from other savages and thus he felt that he is superior than him and so he Naming that man as a 'friday'. Crusoe ask nothing to him; even his name too;
and thus we can see that how that man loose his own identity behind the name 'friday';and colonialism begins.
After the process of naming , Crusoe described himself as a 'MASTER' ; and thus friday automatically became slave to him . Crusoe never call friday as a friend or even after giving name he continue calling him as savage or poor creature . He never accept friday as a Human being .He humiliate friday and full day give work to him, friday serves Crusoe like a MASTER or FATHER . friday was very emotional man but Crusoe doesn't care.
Third thing is language . friday have his own language which is native one but Crusoe taught him,his language which was 'ENGLISH'. He gave all orders and instructions to friday in ENGLISH; thus he tries to prove that he and his language are superior than friday's.
Crusoe taught his culture forcefully to friday . Crusoe advises friday to wear clothes rather than live naked . Friday was not comfortable in those clothes though Crusoe coerce him . Also he compares his culture with Friday's culture and proved enhancement of English culture.
Religion also played vital role in pocess of colonization ; Crusoe also taught friday , Christian religion and he convinced friday that Christian GOD is superior than others.In novel friday told him that their god name is BENAMUCKEE. However, he forced Friday to obey Christian GOD.He also take BIBLE in his hand and most time appear to read it.
YES, Fear of weapon i found also this point related to colonialism.Crusoe have GUN and friday was unaware about this weapon and thus he found trouble and fear from that weapon.Crusoe take advantage from Fridays fear and control him.
- and thus colonial discourse happens in Robinson Crusoe.
2] How colonialism works in our life (in contemporary time/ of our surrounding, Give examples)?
- In contemporary time colonialism is working in both way mentally and physically too, as we all aware about that'our day starts with wishing a GOOD MORNING'and ends with GOOD NIGHT. which is not our culture ; it is English culture.
- we also celebrates BIRTHDAYS, ANNIVERSARIES , RING-CEREMONY etc.In those celebrations we cut cakes and light candles; are totally British culture.
- People are crazy behind white corpse ; i saw hatred in peoples eyes for blacks and i also saw emotions of worshiping in same people for whites.and that is the main reason behind craze of fair and lovely cream in India.
- We Indians also think that our GODS and GODDESSES are so fair; if any painter portraits our GOD as a black or dark; our religious felling are getting hurted.
- Our thoughts are also slaves of British ideology or English ideology we all tries to be so fluent in speaking English like white mans ; and that is the main reason why still today HINDI is struggling to became our national language ?
- Who have a little knowledge of computer they also know; the language of computers are very similar to SANSKRUT . Although it became endangered .
- One more fact which i hate most that why our people ; called our religious books as a RAMAYANA, MAHABHARATA,VEDA, UPANISHADS WHY WHY ? THIS IS MY CULTURE, THERE ARE MY HOLY BOOKS WHO YOU ARE TO SUGGEST ME THAT HOW I HAVE TO SPEAK AND HOW I DON'T ?
- I think the most alarming signs of the colonization of the Indian mind are found in the field of education. Take the English nursery rhymes taught to many of our little children, as if, before knowing anything about India, they needed to know about Humpty-Dumpty or rain rain go away or Twinkal twinkal little star . When they grow older, some of them will be learning Western psychology while remaining totally ignorant of the far deeper psychology offered by Yoga, or they will study medicine or physics or evolution without having the least idea of what ancient India.
Swami Vivekanand had earlier said much the same thing in his own forthright style :
- The child is taken to school, and the first thing he learns is that his father is a fool, the second thing that his grandfather is a lunatic, the third thing that all his teachers are hypocrites, the fourth, that all the sacred books are lies ! By the time he is sixteen he is a mass of negation, lifeless and boneless. And the result is that fifty years of such education has not produced one original man in the three presidencies…. We have learnt only weakness.
- If you take a look at the teaching of history, the situation is even worse. Almost all Indian history taught today in our schools and universities has been written by Western scholars, or by “native historians who [have] taken over the views of the colonial masters,”
- Things become more troublesome when Kalidasa is called “the Shakespeare of India,” when Bankim Chatterji needs to be compared to Walter Scott or Tagore to Shelley, and Kautilya becomes India’s very own Machiavelli. We begin to see how our compass is set due west. Would the British call Shakespeare “England’s Kalidasa,” let alone Manchester “the Coimbatore of Northwest England” ?
3] Do you think that, movie is different than original novel?
YES , Movie is different than original novel.because when writer published this novel it was 1719; time of ENGLAND'S colonies when England was ruler in many countries like INDIA. And this movie released on 1997 after Independence ; after the TRINITY ; After UNO ,UNESCO and etc.Picture was realized in DEMOCRATIC World. and thus movie is different than original novel.
4]Write about some changes done in the movie.
- There are three voyages in book -but in movie there is only one voyage.
- In book Crusoe have two pats got and parrot - in movie he has Dog and one bird
- In book Friday serves Crusoe as a Master - in movie he became companion to Crusoe; even not friend in first.
- In book Fridays GOD was Benamuckee - in movie his GOD was POKYA a crocodile.
- In book Crusoe was Superior than Friday-in movie Fridays character was batter than Crusoe.
- In book Friday accepted Crusoe's religion - in movie he doesn't accepted Crusoe's religion.
- In book Friday afraid of GUN - in movie Friday doesn't much care about that GUN.
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5]Do you think, movie is describing anti-colonial elements? can you describe reasons?
YES, I think movie is describing ANTI-COLONIAL ELEMENTS.
In movie Crusoe needs Friday and thus he saved him and though Friday not became even friend to him. here movie shows anti-colonial approach. Friday was relian towards Crusoe and although Crusoe trying to convince Friday to live with time Friday suggest Crusoe to return at his land.which is also anti-colonial. In movie Fridays character is heroic and superior than Crusoe.In end of the movie Friday saved Crusoe's life which shows equality. In movie we can see arguments of Friday according to Crusoe's GOD.and thus ANTI-COLONIAL ELEMENT Describes.
And reason is that which I described above.see dates of publishing of novel and releasing of movie .You found huge gape of 278 years ;these is real reason ;of describing ANTI-COLONIAL ELEMENTS in movie.because when writer published this novel it was 1719;when England was ruler in many countries like INDIA; And this movie released on 1997 after Independence. this is reason for it.
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