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Question answer on Aristotelian literary tradition tragedies and Shakespearian tragedies.

Questions to Respond: (Give your responses in Comment below this blog)
1.  How far do you agree with Plato’s objection to freedom of expression and artistic liberty enjoyed by creative writers? Name the texts (novels, plays, poems, movies, TV soaps etc which can be rightfully objected and banned with reference to Plato’s objections)
2.  With reference to the literary texts you have studied during B.A. programme, write brief note on the texts which followed Aristotelian literary tradition (i.e. his concept of tragedy, catharsis, tragic hero with hamartia etc)
3.  With reference to the literary texts you have studies during B.A. programme, write brief note on the texts which did NOT follow Aristotelian literary tradition. (i.e. his concept of tragedy, catharsis, tragic hero with hamartia etc.)
4.  Have you studied any tragedies during B.A. programme? Who was/were the tragic protagonist/s in those tragedies? What was their ‘hamartia’?
5. Did the ‘Plot’ of those tragedies follow necessary rules and regulations proposed by Aristotle? (Like chain of cause and effect, principle of probability and necessity, harmonious arrangement of incidents, complete, certain magnitude, unity of action etc)

Respected Sir, 

Ans:1)⏩ I am agree with plato's Objection to freedom of expression and artistic liberty enjoyed by creative writers. we generally observes that mostly TV soaps and advertisements are stuffed with immoral, funny and idiotic items,it proved that plato's concern was not wrong. In the Republic plato's used to say that poets are misguid society. In the lon, he suggests that poetry cause needless lamentation and ecstasies at the imaginary events of sorrow and happiness. I think that type of immoral shows must be banned which misguid people and evoke evil ideas. I would like to give current example of daily soap "savdhan india" from LIFEOK and "crime petrol", both soaps are related to crime issues of society, which were occurred in past but both serials make episodes on crime stories and release it infront of people in which they show that how to create "perfect crime" and by watching these type serials vicious criminals executed crime. Those soaps are satire on society that how our society act to meditate out? These crime serials create negative image in childrens mind and this childish mind can't differentiate, what is good or what is bad. Also we should not forget News channels too, Many a times these so called news channels spreading ill-fated news in society and by that they trying to create chaotism , Eg. When Jayalalithaa was CM of Tamilnadu ; she was admitted to hospital because of some Heart problems at that time all media propagated death news of her, but in real she was live and because of the good wishes of media, on the 5th December, 2016; she left this world. Hear I'm including one more example about poetry which written by famous poet Sylvia Plath - "Daddy " this poem deeply wounded children's mind and heart and taught them to rebel against their parents also this poem is enough to disturb any Indian mind (by my own experience ).As we know that Sylvia Plath was psycho, her state of mind was disturbed and during that period she wrote many poems,Here one question lights up into my mind that#how we'll using those type of psychic poems in our syllabus?#Everyday during break we forced to see unwanted advertisements and we can't imagine how funny and stupid they are, they use actors and actresses to enticing people. When i see this kind of thing i strongly feels that plato was right; but not in each and everything, because there are also many advertisements and Tv serials and also movie created by social persons which are not harmful to humanity. After today's lecture my mentality on Plato's objection is totally changed, and thus i am heartly thank full to you respected sir because i had thought about only one side of thing but you shows me another side and I'm agree with you. We must educat people that 'what is right or wrong' rather than banning anything. Here's a list of movies which the Censor Board banned, not that the viewers missed any of it! 1 . Bandit Queen (1994) 2 . Fire (1996) 3 . Urf Professor (2000) 4 . The Pink Mirror (2003) 5 . Paanch (2003) 6 . Black Friday (2004) 7 . Parzania (2005) 8 . Sins (2005) 9 . Water 10. Firaaq (2008) Here i would like to say that education protect people from absurdity and agorasy,thus educate people ;stop banning.

Ans:2) I was student of SNDT and during my B.A. Programme i have studied the great greek play "Oedipus Rex" by "Sophocales". This play follows Aristotelian tradition, into this tragic play all events are builted very logically and it's plot is very strong. From starting to end all events are arranged very perfectly. Oedipus is protagonist of play and he became victim of his own anxiety and truth seekness. Small weakness in a strong character which is called "HAMARTIA" by Aristotle.
 Here Sophocales strictly followed #Three unities#. 1)Unity of Time - There is no gaps between two events, - Oedipus solved riddle of Spinix, - He sent Creon to the Oracle of Delphy to find truth, - Creon reveal that the murderer of king Laios is responsible for Pestilence, - Oedipus tried to find that man who killed Laios;and all situations are changed, - Found himself as a murderer. 2)Unity of place - Mostly events took place in only one place that is #Thebes#, - Clan of Thebe was main place of action. 3)Unity of Action - Unity of action is followed by Oedipus, - Here Man is in action.
 Catharsis catharsis as a term used by Aristotle to describe emotional release of the feelings of pity and fear experienced by the audience at the end of a successful tragedy,  the readers/audience experience this catharsis at the point in which Oedipus realizes his role in the plight of the people of Thebes.  At the time of his realization, Oedipus feels great remorse and shame for what he has done:  "When all my sight was horror everywhere." It is at this same time that the readers/audience experience their feelings of sympathy and pity.
 Thus, we can say that Oedipus Rex is totally followed Aristotelian tradition.

Ans:3) During my B.A programme i also studied another text which doesn't followed Aristotelian literary tradition ; Name of that text was #As You Like It#. As we aware about Shakespeare's style of writing and we know that Shakespeare never followed Aristotelian literary tradition and here in this play Shakespeare also did that ; this play is pastoral comedy, in which there is no hamartia, no cause and effect, there is no use of any unities given by Aristotle. Shakespeare was reverse to Aristotle and thus he hadn't follow any rules and regulations of Aristotelian literary tradition. Into this drama there are 4 couples and they all are behaving abuse and there are two brothers Orlando and Oliver and both are ready kill each other but after times they became good friends to each other, all events are not only played in forest of Arden but also it was play in palace of Duke Frederick. Who exiled his elder brother Duke senior from that palace ; Rosalind was daughter of Duke senior and celia who was daughter of Duke Frederick are best friends and they cannot live without each other controversy is described here properly. In the forest of Arden Orlando meet Rosalind who was actually disguised her self into village boy #Ganymede#and here Celia meet Oliver and all found their self in love, there was also other characters like phoebe, silvios and touchstone. Phobe fall in love with Ganymede and she wish to marry him but silvios already in love with phoebe, then events are running phoebe's refusal to silvios > Ganymede's refusal to Phobe > Ganymede's promise to Orlando > Oliver's proposal to Celia etc. at the end of drama all four couples are married by the help of Hymen(Hymenasios). By example of this drama we can see that Shakespeare didn't follow Aristotelian literary tradition into this play no tragedy, no hamartia, no tragic hero.

Ans:4)During my BA Programme I have studied one another Tragedy 'ROMEO AND JULIET' by WILLIAM SHAKESPEAR. This play is world famous Tragic drama ; here our Protagonist ROMEO became a victim of Tragic fall .A tragic flaw is the flaw that brings about the downfall of the tragic hero.  Aristotle suggested that the tragic hero is doomed by forces mostly out of his control.  The most important point is that the hero is otherwise noble, and the tragic flaw is his downfall . A tragic flaw in literature refers to a shortcoming in a character's nature which leads to his or her downfall. The Greek term for this is hamartia, and it is a literary technique used by writers in a drama to teach the audience a moral lesson. Romeo and Juliet's primary character flaw is their lack of judgment. They were both unable or unwilling to carefully consider their actions and those actions' outcomes because they were ruled by passion and, therefore, acted on impulse. Their impetuous acts lead to their tragic end.  [HAMARTIA OF ROMEO AND JULIET   :   Juliet does not realize the boy she has fallen in love with at a party is a Montague until her nurse tells her so. Unfortunately, her family, and the Capulets, are bitter rivals with the Montagues and she immediately understands the gravity of this situation. However, Romeo and Juliet are young lovers and believe their love will solve everything. Unfortunately for them, that which is greatest leads to their downfall. The fates are against this union and ultimately the young couple dies due to their own flaw of loving too much.]

Ans:5) Here two Tragedies given above.
both are necessarily followed rules and regulations Which are proposed by Aristotle. All six elements of Aristotle’s tragedy are present in both play.  They are plot, character, thought, diction, melody and spectacle . Both plays were  also followed all three UNITIES. chain of cause and effect shown properly ; here one more thing used by writer's which is principle of probability and necessity. But, 'AS YOU LIKE IT' Doesn't follow any Aristotelian literary tradition .


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